Source code for parsel.selector

XPath selectors based on lxml

import six
from lxml import etree

from .utils import flatten, iflatten, extract_regex
from .csstranslator import HTMLTranslator, GenericTranslator

[docs]class SafeXMLParser(etree.XMLParser): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('resolve_entities', False) super(SafeXMLParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
_ctgroup = { 'html': {'_parser': etree.HTMLParser, '_csstranslator': HTMLTranslator(), '_tostring_method': 'html'}, 'xml': {'_parser': SafeXMLParser, '_csstranslator': GenericTranslator(), '_tostring_method': 'xml'}, } def _st(st): if st is None: return 'html' elif st in _ctgroup: return st else: raise ValueError('Invalid type: %s' % st)
[docs]def create_root_node(text, parser_cls, base_url=None): """Create root node for text using given parser class. """ body = text.strip().encode('utf8') or b'<html/>' parser = parser_cls(recover=True, encoding='utf8') return etree.fromstring(body, parser=parser, base_url=base_url)
[docs]class SelectorList(list): """ The :class:`SelectorList` class is a subclass of the builtin ``list`` class, which provides a few additional methods. """ # __getslice__ is deprecated but `list` builtin implements it only in Py2 def __getslice__(self, i, j): o = super(SelectorList, self).__getslice__(i, j) return self.__class__(o) def __getitem__(self, pos): o = super(SelectorList, self).__getitem__(pos) return self.__class__(o) if isinstance(pos, slice) else o
[docs] def xpath(self, xpath): """ Call the ``.xpath()`` method for each element in this list and return their results flattened as another :class:`SelectorList`. ``query`` is the same argument as the one in :meth:`Selector.xpath` """ return self.__class__(flatten([x.xpath(xpath) for x in self]))
[docs] def css(self, xpath): """ Call the ``.css()`` method for each element in this list and return their results flattened as another :class:`SelectorList`. ``query`` is the same argument as the one in :meth:`Selector.css` """ return self.__class__(flatten([x.css(xpath) for x in self]))
[docs] def re(self, regex): """ Call the ``.re()`` method for each element is this list and return their results flattened, as a list of unicode strings. """ return flatten([ for x in self])
[docs] def re_first(self, regex): for el in iflatten( for x in self): return el
[docs] def extract(self): """ Call the ``.extract()`` method for each element is this list and return their results flattened, as a list of unicode strings. """ return [x.extract() for x in self]
[docs] def extract_first(self, default=None): for x in self: return x.extract() else: return default
[docs]class Selector(object): """ :class:`Selector` allows you to select parts of an XML or HTML text using CSS or XPath expressions and extract data from it. ``text`` is a ``unicode`` object in Python 2 or a ``str`` object in Python 3 ``type`` defines the selector type, it can be ``"html"``, ``"xml"`` or ``None`` (default). If ``type`` is ``None``, the selector defaults to ``"html"``. """ __slots__ = ['text', 'namespaces', 'type', '_expr', 'root', '__weakref__', '_parser', '_csstranslator', '_tostring_method'] _default_type = None _default_namespaces = { "re": "", # supported in libxslt: # set:difference # set:has-same-node # set:intersection # set:leading # set:trailing "set": "" } _lxml_smart_strings = False selectorlist_cls = SelectorList def __init__(self, text=None, type=None, namespaces=None, root=None, base_url=None, _expr=None): self.type = st = _st(type or self._default_type) self._parser = _ctgroup[st]['_parser'] self._csstranslator = _ctgroup[st]['_csstranslator'] self._tostring_method = _ctgroup[st]['_tostring_method'] if text is not None: if not isinstance(text, six.text_type): raise TypeError("text argument should be of type %s" % six.text_type) root = self._get_root(text, base_url) elif root is None: raise ValueError("Selector needs either text or root argument") self.namespaces = dict(self._default_namespaces) if namespaces is not None: self.namespaces.update(namespaces) self.root = root self._expr = _expr def _get_root(self, text, base_url=None): return create_root_node(text, self._parser, base_url=base_url)
[docs] def xpath(self, query): """ Find nodes matching the xpath ``query`` and return the result as a :class:`SelectorList` instance with all elements flattened. List elements implement :class:`Selector` interface too. ``query`` is a string containing the XPATH query to apply. """ try: xpathev = self.root.xpath except AttributeError: return self.selectorlist_cls([]) try: result = xpathev(query, namespaces=self.namespaces, smart_strings=self._lxml_smart_strings) except etree.XPathError: msg = u"Invalid XPath: %s" % query raise ValueError(msg if six.PY3 else msg.encode("unicode_escape")) if type(result) is not list: result = [result] result = [self.__class__(root=x, _expr=query, namespaces=self.namespaces, type=self.type) for x in result] return self.selectorlist_cls(result)
[docs] def css(self, query): """ Apply the given CSS selector and return a :class:`SelectorList` instance. ``query`` is a string containing the CSS selector to apply. In the background, CSS queries are translated into XPath queries using `cssselect`_ library and run ``.xpath()`` method. """ return self.xpath(self._css2xpath(query))
def _css2xpath(self, query): return self._csstranslator.css_to_xpath(query)
[docs] def re(self, regex): """ Apply the given regex and return a list of unicode strings with the matches. ``regex`` can be either a compiled regular expression or a string which will be compiled to a regular expression using ``re.compile(regex)`` """ return extract_regex(regex, self.extract())
[docs] def extract(self): """ Serialize and return the matched nodes as a list of unicode strings. Percent encoded content is unquoted. """ try: return etree.tostring(self.root, method=self._tostring_method, encoding='unicode', with_tail=False) except (AttributeError, TypeError): if self.root is True: return u'1' elif self.root is False: return u'0' else: return six.text_type(self.root)
[docs] def register_namespace(self, prefix, uri): """ Register the given namespace to be used in this :class:`Selector`. Without registering namespaces you can't select or extract data from non-standard namespaces. See :ref:`selector-examples-xml`. """ self.namespaces[prefix] = uri
[docs] def remove_namespaces(self): """ Remove all namespaces, allowing to traverse the document using namespace-less xpaths. See :ref:`removing-namespaces`. """ for el in self.root.iter('*'): if el.tag.startswith('{'): el.tag = el.tag.split('}', 1)[1] # loop on element attributes also for an in el.attrib.keys(): if an.startswith('{'): el.attrib[an.split('}', 1)[1]] = el.attrib.pop(an)
def __bool__(self): """ Return ``True`` if there is any real content selected or ``False`` otherwise. In other words, the boolean value of a :class:`Selector` is given by the contents it selects. """ return bool(self.extract()) __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __str__(self): data = repr(self.extract()[:40]) return "<%s xpath=%r data=%s>" % (type(self).__name__, self._expr, data) __repr__ = __str__