Source code for parsel.selector

XPath selectors based on lxml

import typing
import warnings
from typing import (
from warnings import warn

from cssselect import GenericTranslator as OriginalGenericTranslator
from lxml import etree, html
from pkg_resources import parse_version

from .csstranslator import GenericTranslator, HTMLTranslator
from .utils import extract_regex, flatten, iflatten, shorten

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    # both require Python 3.8
    from typing import Literal, SupportsIndex

    # simplified _OutputMethodArg from types-lxml
    _TostringMethodType = Literal[

_SelectorType = TypeVar("_SelectorType", bound="Selector")
_ParserType = Union[etree.XMLParser, etree.HTMLParser]

lxml_version = parse_version(etree.__version__)
lxml_huge_tree_version = parse_version("4.2")
LXML_SUPPORTS_HUGE_TREE = lxml_version >= lxml_huge_tree_version

[docs]class CannotRemoveElementWithoutRoot(Exception): pass
[docs]class CannotRemoveElementWithoutParent(Exception): pass
[docs]class CannotDropElementWithoutParent(CannotRemoveElementWithoutParent): pass
[docs]class SafeXMLParser(etree.XMLParser): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: kwargs.setdefault("resolve_entities", False) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
_ctgroup = { "html": { "_parser": html.HTMLParser, "_csstranslator": HTMLTranslator(), "_tostring_method": "html", }, "xml": { "_parser": SafeXMLParser, "_csstranslator": GenericTranslator(), "_tostring_method": "xml", }, } def _st(st: Optional[str]) -> str: if st is None: return "html" elif st in _ctgroup: return st else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid type: {st}")
[docs]def create_root_node( text: str, parser_cls: Type[_ParserType], base_url: Optional[str] = None, huge_tree: bool = LXML_SUPPORTS_HUGE_TREE, ) -> etree._Element: """Create root node for text using given parser class.""" body = text.strip().replace("\x00", "").encode("utf8") or b"<html/>" if huge_tree and LXML_SUPPORTS_HUGE_TREE: parser = parser_cls(recover=True, encoding="utf8", huge_tree=True) # the stub wrongly thinks base_url can't be None root = etree.fromstring(body, parser=parser, base_url=base_url) # type: ignore[arg-type] else: parser = parser_cls(recover=True, encoding="utf8") root = etree.fromstring(body, parser=parser, base_url=base_url) # type: ignore[arg-type] for error in parser.error_log: if "use XML_PARSE_HUGE option" in error.message: warnings.warn( f"Input data is too big. Upgrade to lxml " f"{lxml_huge_tree_version} or later for huge_tree support." ) if root is None: root = etree.fromstring(b"<html/>", parser=parser, base_url=base_url) return root
[docs]class SelectorList(List[_SelectorType]): """ The :class:`SelectorList` class is a subclass of the builtin ``list`` class, which provides a few additional methods. """ @typing.overload def __getitem__(self, pos: "SupportsIndex") -> _SelectorType: pass @typing.overload def __getitem__(self, pos: slice) -> "SelectorList[_SelectorType]": pass def __getitem__( self, pos: Union["SupportsIndex", slice] ) -> Union[_SelectorType, "SelectorList[_SelectorType]"]: o = super().__getitem__(pos) if isinstance(pos, slice): return self.__class__( typing.cast("SelectorList[_SelectorType]", o) ) else: return typing.cast(_SelectorType, o) def __getstate__(self) -> None: raise TypeError("can't pickle SelectorList objects")
[docs] def xpath( self, xpath: str, namespaces: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> "SelectorList[_SelectorType]": """ Call the ``.xpath()`` method for each element in this list and return their results flattened as another :class:`SelectorList`. ``query`` is the same argument as the one in :meth:`Selector.xpath` ``namespaces`` is an optional ``prefix: namespace-uri`` mapping (dict) for additional prefixes to those registered with ``register_namespace(prefix, uri)``. Contrary to ``register_namespace()``, these prefixes are not saved for future calls. Any additional named arguments can be used to pass values for XPath variables in the XPath expression, e.g.:: selector.xpath('//a[href=$url]', url="") """ return self.__class__( flatten( [x.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces, **kwargs) for x in self] ) )
[docs] def css(self, query: str) -> "SelectorList[_SelectorType]": """ Call the ``.css()`` method for each element in this list and return their results flattened as another :class:`SelectorList`. ``query`` is the same argument as the one in :meth:`Selector.css` """ return self.__class__(flatten([x.css(query) for x in self]))
[docs] def re( self, regex: Union[str, Pattern[str]], replace_entities: bool = True ) -> List[str]: """ Call the ``.re()`` method for each element in this list and return their results flattened, as a list of strings. By default, character entity references are replaced by their corresponding character (except for ``&amp;`` and ``&lt;``. Passing ``replace_entities`` as ``False`` switches off these replacements. """ return flatten( [, replace_entities=replace_entities) for x in self] )
@typing.overload def re_first( self, regex: Union[str, Pattern[str]], default: None = None, replace_entities: bool = True, ) -> Optional[str]: pass @typing.overload def re_first( self, regex: Union[str, Pattern[str]], default: str, replace_entities: bool = True, ) -> str: pass
[docs] def re_first( self, regex: Union[str, Pattern[str]], default: Optional[str] = None, replace_entities: bool = True, ) -> Optional[str]: """ Call the ``.re()`` method for the first element in this list and return the result in an string. If the list is empty or the regex doesn't match anything, return the default value (``None`` if the argument is not provided). By default, character entity references are replaced by their corresponding character (except for ``&amp;`` and ``&lt;``. Passing ``replace_entities`` as ``False`` switches off these replacements. """ for el in iflatten(, replace_entities=replace_entities) for x in self ): return el return default
[docs] def getall(self) -> List[str]: """ Call the ``.get()`` method for each element is this list and return their results flattened, as a list of strings. """ return [x.get() for x in self]
extract = getall @typing.overload def get(self, default: None = None) -> Optional[str]: pass @typing.overload def get(self, default: str) -> str: pass
[docs] def get(self, default: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: """ Return the result of ``.get()`` for the first element in this list. If the list is empty, return the default value. """ for x in self: return x.get() return default
extract_first = get @property def attrib(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Return the attributes dictionary for the first element. If the list is empty, return an empty dict. """ for x in self: return x.attrib return {}
[docs] def remove(self) -> None: # type: ignore[override] """ Remove matched nodes from the parent for each element in this list. """ warn( "Method parsel.selector.SelectorList.remove is deprecated, please use parsel.selector.SelectorList.drop method instead", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) for x in self: x.remove()
[docs] def drop(self) -> None: """ Drop matched nodes from the parent for each element in this list. """ for x in self: x.drop()
[docs]class Selector: """ :class:`Selector` allows you to select parts of an XML or HTML text using CSS or XPath expressions and extract data from it. ``text`` is a `str`` object ``type`` defines the selector type, it can be ``"html"``, ``"xml"`` or ``None`` (default). If ``type`` is ``None``, the selector defaults to ``"html"``. ``base_url`` allows setting a URL for the document. This is needed when looking up external entities with relative paths. See the documentation for :func:`lxml.etree.fromstring` for more information. ``huge_tree`` controls the lxml/libxml2 feature that forbids parsing certain large documents to protect from possible memory exhaustion. The argument is ``True`` by default if the installed lxml version supports it, which disables the protection to allow parsing such documents. Set it to ``False`` if you want to enable the protection. See `this lxml FAQ entry <>`_ for more information. """ __slots__ = [ "text", "namespaces", "type", "_expr", "root", "__weakref__", "_parser", "_csstranslator", "_tostring_method", ] _default_type: Optional[str] = None _default_namespaces = { "re": "", # supported in libxslt: # set:difference # set:has-same-node # set:intersection # set:leading # set:trailing "set": "", } _lxml_smart_strings = False selectorlist_cls = SelectorList["Selector"] def __init__( self, text: Optional[str] = None, type: Optional[str] = None, namespaces: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, root: Optional[Any] = None, base_url: Optional[str] = None, _expr: Optional[str] = None, huge_tree: bool = LXML_SUPPORTS_HUGE_TREE, ) -> None: self.type = st = _st(type or self._default_type) self._parser: Type[_ParserType] = typing.cast( Type[_ParserType], _ctgroup[st]["_parser"] ) self._csstranslator: OriginalGenericTranslator = typing.cast( OriginalGenericTranslator, _ctgroup[st]["_csstranslator"] ) self._tostring_method: "_TostringMethodType" = typing.cast( "_TostringMethodType", _ctgroup[st]["_tostring_method"] ) if text is not None: if not isinstance(text, str): msg = f"text argument should be of type str, got {text.__class__}" raise TypeError(msg) root = self._get_root(text, base_url, huge_tree) elif root is None: raise ValueError("Selector needs either text or root argument") self.namespaces = dict(self._default_namespaces) if namespaces is not None: self.namespaces.update(namespaces) self.root = root self._expr = _expr def __getstate__(self) -> Any: raise TypeError("can't pickle Selector objects") def _get_root( self, text: str, base_url: Optional[str] = None, huge_tree: bool = LXML_SUPPORTS_HUGE_TREE, ) -> etree._Element: return create_root_node( text, self._parser, base_url=base_url, huge_tree=huge_tree )
[docs] def xpath( self: _SelectorType, query: str, namespaces: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> SelectorList[_SelectorType]: """ Find nodes matching the xpath ``query`` and return the result as a :class:`SelectorList` instance with all elements flattened. List elements implement :class:`Selector` interface too. ``query`` is a string containing the XPATH query to apply. ``namespaces`` is an optional ``prefix: namespace-uri`` mapping (dict) for additional prefixes to those registered with ``register_namespace(prefix, uri)``. Contrary to ``register_namespace()``, these prefixes are not saved for future calls. Any additional named arguments can be used to pass values for XPath variables in the XPath expression, e.g.:: selector.xpath('//a[href=$url]', url="") """ try: xpathev = self.root.xpath except AttributeError: return typing.cast( SelectorList[_SelectorType], self.selectorlist_cls([]) ) nsp = dict(self.namespaces) if namespaces is not None: nsp.update(namespaces) try: result = xpathev( query, namespaces=nsp, smart_strings=self._lxml_smart_strings, **kwargs, ) except etree.XPathError as exc: raise ValueError(f"XPath error: {exc} in {query}") if type(result) is not list: result = [result] result = [ self.__class__( root=x, _expr=query, namespaces=self.namespaces, type=self.type ) for x in result ] return typing.cast( SelectorList[_SelectorType], self.selectorlist_cls(result) )
[docs] def css(self: _SelectorType, query: str) -> SelectorList[_SelectorType]: """ Apply the given CSS selector and return a :class:`SelectorList` instance. ``query`` is a string containing the CSS selector to apply. In the background, CSS queries are translated into XPath queries using `cssselect`_ library and run ``.xpath()`` method. .. _cssselect: """ return self.xpath(self._css2xpath(query))
def _css2xpath(self, query: str) -> str: return self._csstranslator.css_to_xpath(query)
[docs] def re( self, regex: Union[str, Pattern[str]], replace_entities: bool = True ) -> List[str]: """ Apply the given regex and return a list of strings with the matches. ``regex`` can be either a compiled regular expression or a string which will be compiled to a regular expression using ``re.compile(regex)``. By default, character entity references are replaced by their corresponding character (except for ``&amp;`` and ``&lt;``). Passing ``replace_entities`` as ``False`` switches off these replacements. """ return extract_regex( regex, self.get(), replace_entities=replace_entities )
@typing.overload def re_first( self, regex: Union[str, Pattern[str]], default: None = None, replace_entities: bool = True, ) -> Optional[str]: pass @typing.overload def re_first( self, regex: Union[str, Pattern[str]], default: str, replace_entities: bool = True, ) -> str: pass
[docs] def re_first( self, regex: Union[str, Pattern[str]], default: Optional[str] = None, replace_entities: bool = True, ) -> Optional[str]: """ Apply the given regex and return the first string which matches. If there is no match, return the default value (``None`` if the argument is not provided). By default, character entity references are replaced by their corresponding character (except for ``&amp;`` and ``&lt;``). Passing ``replace_entities`` as ``False`` switches off these replacements. """ return next( iflatten(, replace_entities=replace_entities)), default, )
[docs] def get(self) -> str: """ Serialize and return the matched nodes in a single string. Percent encoded content is unquoted. """ try: return etree.tostring( self.root, method=self._tostring_method, encoding="unicode", with_tail=False, ) except (AttributeError, TypeError): if self.root is True: return "1" elif self.root is False: return "0" else: return str(self.root)
extract = get
[docs] def getall(self) -> List[str]: """ Serialize and return the matched node in a 1-element list of strings. """ return [self.get()]
[docs] def register_namespace(self, prefix: str, uri: str) -> None: """ Register the given namespace to be used in this :class:`Selector`. Without registering namespaces you can't select or extract data from non-standard namespaces. See :ref:`selector-examples-xml`. """ self.namespaces[prefix] = uri
[docs] def remove_namespaces(self) -> None: """ Remove all namespaces, allowing to traverse the document using namespace-less xpaths. See :ref:`removing-namespaces`. """ for el in self.root.iter("*"): if el.tag.startswith("{"): el.tag = el.tag.split("}", 1)[1] # loop on element attributes also for an in el.attrib: if an.startswith("{"): # this cast shouldn't be needed as pop never returns None el.attrib[an.split("}", 1)[1]] = typing.cast( str, el.attrib.pop(an) ) # remove namespace declarations etree.cleanup_namespaces(self.root)
[docs] def remove(self) -> None: """ Remove matched nodes from the parent element. """ warn( "Method parsel.selector.Selector.remove is deprecated, please use parsel.selector.Selector.drop method instead", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) try: parent = self.root.getparent() except AttributeError: # 'str' object has no attribute 'getparent' raise CannotRemoveElementWithoutRoot( "The node you're trying to remove has no root, " "are you trying to remove a pseudo-element? " "Try to use 'li' as a selector instead of 'li::text' or " "'//li' instead of '//li/text()', for example." ) try: parent.remove(self.root) # type: ignore[union-attr] except AttributeError: # 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'remove' raise CannotRemoveElementWithoutParent( "The node you're trying to remove has no parent, " "are you trying to remove a root element?" )
[docs] def drop(self): """ Drop matched nodes from the parent element. """ try: parent = self.root.getparent() except AttributeError: # 'str' object has no attribute 'getparent' raise CannotRemoveElementWithoutRoot( "The node you're trying to drop has no root, " "are you trying to drop a pseudo-element? " "Try to use 'li' as a selector instead of 'li::text' or " "'//li' instead of '//li/text()', for example." ) try: if self.type == "xml": parent.remove(self.root) else: self.root.drop_tree() except (AttributeError, AssertionError): # 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'drop' raise CannotDropElementWithoutParent( "The node you're trying to remove has no parent, " "are you trying to remove a root element?" )
@property def attrib(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Return the attributes dictionary for underlying element.""" return dict(self.root.attrib) def __bool__(self) -> bool: """ Return ``True`` if there is any real content selected or ``False`` otherwise. In other words, the boolean value of a :class:`Selector` is given by the contents it selects. """ return bool(self.get()) __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __str__(self) -> str: data = repr(shorten(self.get(), width=40)) return f"<{type(self).__name__} xpath={self._expr!r} data={data}>" __repr__ = __str__