Source code for parsel.csstranslator

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Protocol

from cssselect import GenericTranslator as OriginalGenericTranslator
from cssselect import HTMLTranslator as OriginalHTMLTranslator
from cssselect.parser import Element, FunctionalPseudoElement, PseudoElement
from cssselect.xpath import ExpressionError
from cssselect.xpath import XPathExpr as OriginalXPathExpr

    # typing.Self requires Python 3.11
    from typing_extensions import Self

[docs] class XPathExpr(OriginalXPathExpr): textnode: bool = False attribute: Optional[str] = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_xpath( cls, xpath: OriginalXPathExpr, textnode: bool = False, attribute: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Self": x = cls(path=xpath.path, element=xpath.element, condition=xpath.condition) x.textnode = textnode x.attribute = attribute return x
def __str__(self) -> str: path = super().__str__() if self.textnode: if path == "*": path = "text()" elif path.endswith("::*/*"): path = path[:-3] + "text()" else: path += "/text()" if self.attribute is not None: if path.endswith("::*/*"): path = path[:-2] path += f"/@{self.attribute}" return path
[docs] def join( self: "Self", combiner: str, other: OriginalXPathExpr, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "Self": if not isinstance(other, XPathExpr): raise ValueError( f"Expressions of type {__name__}.XPathExpr can ony join expressions" f" of the same type (or its descendants), got {type(other)}" ) super().join(combiner, other, *args, **kwargs) self.textnode = other.textnode self.attribute = other.attribute return self
# e.g. cssselect.GenericTranslator, cssselect.HTMLTranslator
[docs] class TranslatorProtocol(Protocol):
[docs] def xpath_element(self, selector: Element) -> OriginalXPathExpr: pass
[docs] def css_to_xpath(self, css: str, prefix: str = ...) -> str: pass
[docs] class TranslatorMixin: """This mixin adds support to CSS pseudo elements via dynamic dispatch. Currently supported pseudo-elements are ``::text`` and ``::attr(ATTR_NAME)``. """
[docs] def xpath_element(self: TranslatorProtocol, selector: Element) -> XPathExpr: # xpath = super().xpath_element(selector) # type: ignore[safe-super] return XPathExpr.from_xpath(xpath)
[docs] def xpath_pseudo_element( self, xpath: OriginalXPathExpr, pseudo_element: PseudoElement ) -> OriginalXPathExpr: """ Dispatch method that transforms XPath to support pseudo-element """ if isinstance(pseudo_element, FunctionalPseudoElement): method_name = f"xpath_{'-', '_')}_functional_pseudo_element" method = getattr(self, method_name, None) if not method: raise ExpressionError( f"The functional pseudo-element ::{}() is unknown" ) xpath = method(xpath, pseudo_element) else: method_name = ( f"xpath_{pseudo_element.replace('-', '_')}_simple_pseudo_element" ) method = getattr(self, method_name, None) if not method: raise ExpressionError( f"The pseudo-element ::{pseudo_element} is unknown" ) xpath = method(xpath) return xpath
[docs] def xpath_attr_functional_pseudo_element( self, xpath: OriginalXPathExpr, function: FunctionalPseudoElement ) -> XPathExpr: """Support selecting attribute values using ::attr() pseudo-element""" if function.argument_types() not in (["STRING"], ["IDENT"]): raise ExpressionError( f"Expected a single string or ident for ::attr(), got {function.arguments!r}" ) return XPathExpr.from_xpath(xpath, attribute=function.arguments[0].value)
[docs] def xpath_text_simple_pseudo_element(self, xpath: OriginalXPathExpr) -> XPathExpr: """Support selecting text nodes using ::text pseudo-element""" return XPathExpr.from_xpath(xpath, textnode=True)
[docs] class GenericTranslator(TranslatorMixin, OriginalGenericTranslator):
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=256) def css_to_xpath(self, css: str, prefix: str = "descendant-or-self::") -> str: return super().css_to_xpath(css, prefix)
[docs] class HTMLTranslator(TranslatorMixin, OriginalHTMLTranslator):
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=256) def css_to_xpath(self, css: str, prefix: str = "descendant-or-self::") -> str: return super().css_to_xpath(css, prefix)
_translator = HTMLTranslator()
[docs] def css2xpath(query: str) -> str: "Return translated XPath version of a given CSS query" return _translator.css_to_xpath(query)